A Couple Acquired An Expensive Vacation Home

Written by: Chuck McDowell Updated: Dec 01, 2022 Published: Aug 01, 2022 3 minute read

Kelly & Andrew B. are married teachers who love to travel and spend time with their four children. When Andrew’s inherited his parent’s timeshare, the couple thought they hit the jackpot. However, with timeshares, there always seems to be a catch. 

The family was asked to attend a meeting before they could make use of their new timeshare. 

“We inherited a timeshare, and we were thrilled at first. Before we could even use it, though, we had to go to a meeting held at the resort.”

Albeit, timeshare meetings don't operate as regular meetings do. Instead, they are more like a sales pitch. Kelly and Andrew were unaware of this, making them easy targets.

“The staff informed us that we did not have enough points to use the timeshare and needed to upgrade if we wanted to keep it. While the upgrade was expensive, we thought it was worth it based on what the staff had told us.”

Two Useless Timeshare Upgrades

Vendors often refer to upgrades as a way for timeshare owners to enjoy more benefits. Nevertheless, more times than not, these upgrades cause more problems. 

“Our first upgrade didn’t go as expected. We were paying too much for one trip per year. The maintenance fees alone were outrageous, and they kept going up. Not only that, but the points system continued to increase, so they recommended another upgrade to keep using the timeshare.”

Deceptive salespeople misled Kelly and Andrew into upgrading their timeshare, which was free multiple times. Unaware of the financial ramifications, the couple was now beginning to face more significant issues as a result.

“The last upgrade was so expensive that they urged us to take out two new credit cards just to cover it!. The upgrades were wasting our money away, and we couldn’t afford that.” 

“We Cannot Afford A Timeshare”

Kelly and Andrew’s timeshare expenses were becoming more challenging to manage. 

“We have four children, two of them attend college. With the crazy charges, the college expenses made it more burdensome. We had to become more financially prepared, and we couldn’t do that as timeshare owners.”

Kelly and Andrew were determined, even if this meant canceling their timeshare agreement. 

Wesley Financial Group, LLC Saves Thousands

The timeshare exit industry is still often unheard of. Because of this, Kelly and Andrew had difficulty finding help until they came across Wesley Financial Group, LLC (WFG).

“We tried talking with the timeshare company to take it back. We tried selling it on our own. We probably searched for help for several years before we finally came across WFG. ”

\What started as an innocent gift turned into an expense. Alas, WFG put an end to the couple’s timeshare contract and relieved them of $13,000 in debt.* 

“The folks over at WFG helped us every step of the way. Now we plan to take more vacations. The best part is that we can go where we want and when we want, and not mind what the timeshare company says we can do.”

Kelly and Andrew’s timeshare experience is not uncommon. Timeshare brokers are deceiving individuals and families all across the country into unfavorable deals. If you know anyone in a similar situation, please pass along our phone number. We’d be delighted to see if they qualify for our services.

(800) 425-4081

*Actual results depend on each client’s specific case, and no particular outcome is guaranteed. WFG and its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not substitutes for professional advice, legal or otherwise. Names have been changed or omitted due to privacy concerns.

*Wesley Financial Group, LLC, and its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and not intended to substitute for professional advice, legal or otherwise.

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