Larry J. Caught His Timeshare Company In The Act Of Dishonesty

Written by: Chuck McDowell Updated: Dec 01, 2022 Published: May 04, 2021 3 minute read

After serving our nation for over 30 years, Larry was duped into a timeshare when he was told he could write off any interest earned on his mortgage. Once he found out this was not in fact true, he immediately started searching for a way out. 

Below is a word for word account of the timeshare ordeal that Larry experienced. We hope his written account will enlighten some of the tactics that the timeshare industry often uses on good, unsuspecting people. Names of people have been changed and/or redacted for privacy reasons.

“We were told our timeshare was an investment property where we could write off interest earned. My timeshare obligations will go away when I die and not leave a financial burden on my children. A 90-minute presentation turned into a five-hour long circus with numerous sales people thrown at us from every direction. We were lied to and misled during our timeshare experience. These high pressure sales tactics were used on my wife and I to the point in which one sales representative even called us ‘stupid’ for not taking his offer in 2014.”

The problem with Larry’s experience was that the high pressure sales meetings didn’t stop after the initial meeting. He was approached numerous times after the fact about upgrading his agreement. 

“At every upgrade presentation starting back in 2014, we were lied to and misled by sales representatives. At our last upgrade presentation – that lasted well over five hours and past midnight – sales representatives tried to slide a $17,000 down payment for upgrade on us when it was actually $8,650. We caught this dishonest rip off/fraud attempt prior to signing the paperwork.”

Upon returning home from vacation, Larry reached out to his timeshare company to try and convey his concerns, but they gave him no sort of wiggle room with his timeshare agreement. Then, one day while on social media, Larry saw an advertisement for Wesley Financial Group, LLC (WFG). 

“I wanted a company that fully understood what I was going through with the timeshare. A company with a proven track record in timeshare cancellation. Additionally, a company that has proven to be timeshare refund specialists. WFG met all of my needs and I couldn’t be more grateful.”

We are proud to announce that our team is in the final stages of terminating Larry’s timeshare agreement, liberating him from a financial burden that’s held him grounded for years.* 

“It has been a totally awesome experience working with Wesley Financial Group. The company has over exceeded our expectations. From the very start there was constant communication each step of the way. The Intake Department, Resolution Department, and Closing Departments all have been highly professional, knowledgeable, and caring.”

If you know someone who’s in timeshare distress and could use our legitimate services, pass along our phone number below. We would be more than happy to see if they qualify for our timeshare termination services.

(800) 425-4081

*Wesley Financial Group, LLC (“WFG”) develops individualized programs for each client, terminates over 97% of their client’s timeshare relationships, and in certain circumstances, obtains a refund of some or all of the timeshare purchase price.  Actual results depend on each client’s distinct case and no specific outcome is guaranteed (although WFG does offer a 100% money back guarantee if the timeshare is not cancelled within the time specified in the WFG Enrollment Agreement).

Wesley Financial Group, LLC, and/or its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers and/or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, legal or otherwise.

*Wesley Financial Group, LLC, and its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and not intended to substitute for professional advice, legal or otherwise.

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