Lauren G. Just Wanted A Place To Stay When She Visited Her Son

Written by: Chuck McDowell Updated: Dec 01, 2022 Published: May 06, 2021 3 minute read

Lauren’s timeshare horror story started when she was visiting her son at college. She was approached by a salesperson and before she could even blink she was a timeshare owner. 

Below is a word for word account of the timeshare ordeal that Lauren experienced. We hope her written account will enlighten some of the tactics that the timeshare industry often uses on good, unsuspecting people. Names of people have been changed and/or redacted for privacy reasons.

“My husband and I were approached by a representative of the timeshare while we were visiting our son close to his college. As a result, they used that to their advantage saying we could stay at a nice place so much cheaper and visit our son whenever we wanted. Well... that never happened. Never! We had the timeshare for almost eight years and never used it, but the fees went up every year. It was beyond frustrating and very disappointing.”

Trying to book a week or even a weekend was nearly impossible for Lauren and her husband. All she wanted was a place to visit her son at college, but all she got was more financial debt. 

“Every time I would try and book something, it would be unavailable, but we had to pay for it every year. Knowing this and knowing my kids would then take this on once we passed was unacceptable. We felt so helpless.”

Initially, Lauren decided to reach out to her timeshare company and voice her complaints. 

“We contacted them several times regarding our problems with not being able to book anything and the response was you just need to book sooner. My response to that was that I may be able to if we were retired, however we are not and have to work around our work schedules, so that's not possible. They were not willing to help in any way.”

That’s when Lauren saw an advertisement for Wesley Financial Group, LLC (WFG) on social media one day. She was intrigued, but first needed some confirmation from previous WFG clients. 

“After reading the client testimonials and talking to the friendly, kind and sympathetic staff I was confident that WFG was the right fit for us.”

We are elated to announce that after WFG took on Lauren as a client, the staff was able to terminate her timeshare agreement.*

“It took longer than I expected but that was no fault of Wesley Financial Group. That had everything to do with timeshare companies and their lack of urgency or concern. I couldn’t be more grateful with WFG and the good work they did for us. Every person was great to work with.”

Now that they’re timeshare free, Lauren and her husband can’t wait to go on vacation and not speak to anyone that ever approaches them about a timeshare. 

If you know someone who’s in timeshare distress and could use our legitimate services, pass along our phone number below. We would be more than happy to see if they qualify for our timeshare termination services.

(800) 425-4081

*Wesley Financial Group, LLC (“WFG”) develops individualized programs for each client, terminates over 97% of their client’s timeshare relationships, and in certain circumstances, obtains a refund of some or all of the timeshare purchase price.  Actual results depend on each client’s distinct case and no specific outcome is guaranteed (although WFG does offer a 100% money back guarantee if the timeshare is not cancelled within the time specified in the WFG Enrollment Agreement).

Wesley Financial Group, LLC, and/or its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers and/or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, legal or otherwise.

*Wesley Financial Group, LLC, and its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and not intended to substitute for professional advice, legal or otherwise.

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