Real Client Story - How we helped Keith get out from under $275,000 in timeshare debt.

Written by: Chuck McDowell Updated: Dec 01, 2022 Published: Mar 09, 2020 2 minute read

One of our timeshare team leaders, Lauren Gray, recalls a recent client story that left her feeling a range of emotions. 


“I have just obtained timeshare termination confirmation for my client named Keith. Keith is in his late sixties and was in debt over $275,000 with the timeshare company. He is currently battling aggressive cancer after spending his life serving our country as a United States Marine. This timeshare debt had him in tears of shame and guilt when I introduced myself as the specialist who would be handling his case and fighting for release of this crushing burden.


You might ask yourself, why would someone allow themselves to get that far in debt with timeshare debt? I see these stories every single day. Intelligent, rational individuals who only want the best for their family and future. They are cleverly swindled into purchasing something that is going to “increase in value” and allow for some sort of “investment” to be left to their children. I know in this case; Keith said that he only wanted to leave a legacy for his kids if he lost his battle with cancer. 


He is now 100% free from that associated debt and the stress that comes with it. 


While he is no longer legally obligated to the debt and contractual ties of the company, he still sends me updates on his health and how thankful he is that we were able to assist in the exit of that lifetime contract. He said that his daughters are forever grateful for the work we did and continue to do for others.”


If you need assistance getting out of your timeshare contract that you were tricked into signing, please reach out to us today. We will continue to fight for people like Keith. Call us today to see if we can help you. 800-425-4081

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