Arizona Timeshare Cancellation*

Written by: Chuck McDowell Updated: Aug 23, 2024 Published: Jun 24, 2024 6 minute read

*Wesley Financial Group, LLC, and its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and not intended to substitute for professional advice, legal or otherwise. Any information provided herein is subject to change at any time.

A man kayaking in river | Arizona timeshare cancellation

Navigating the complexities of canceling a timeshare in Arizona can feel like an overwhelming task. What once promised luxurious vacations can turn into a maze of obligations and hurdles.

If you're wondering about Arizona's timeshare cancellation laws and seeking a way out of your agreement, you're not alone. Like many other states, Arizona has specific regulations that govern the cancellation process.

In this article, we explore the timeshare laws in Arizona, explain the rights of owners, and more. We also discuss the typical costs associated with cancellations and the potential challenges you might face. Finally, we introduce Wesley Financial Group*, a company specializing in helping people exit their commitments.

 Arizona Timeshare Laws

A greenhouse in the south | Arizona timeshare cancellation

Before we dive into the specifics of timeshare cancellation, let's take a quick look at the laws that govern timeshares in Arizona. The primary law that protects owners in Arizona is the Vacation and Timeshare Act. This act establishes the rights and obligations of both timeshare developers and owners.

Under this legislation, developers must provide certain disclosures, including information about the right to cancel the timeshare agreement. The act also prohibits deceptive and unfair practices, ensuring consumers are not misled or exploited when purchasing a timeshare in Arizona.

Arizona has specific regulations regarding the advertising and sale of these properties. Developers must provide potential buyers with a public offering statement that includes detailed information about the property, such as its amenities, maintenance fees, and any restrictions on use. This transparency is crucial in helping consumers make informed decisions about purchasing.

Moreover, the Vacation and Timeshare Act in Arizona outlines procedures for resolving disputes between timeshare developers and owners. In the event of a disagreement, both parties have the right to seek mediation or arbitration to reach a fair resolution. This mechanism aims to protect the interests of both developers and owners.

Can I Cancel My Timeshare in Arizona?

Man standing in a canyon | Arizona timeshare cancellation

If you are considering canceling your timeshare in Arizona, the first question you may have is whether it is possible. The answer is yes. Arizona law allows timeshare owners to cancel their agreements, but certain requirements must be met.

Firstly, you can cancel your agreement during a cooling-off period known as the rescission period. This period typically lasts for five calendar days and starts from the date you sign the agreement or receive a copy of the public offering statement, whichever is later. This period varies by state.*

It's important to note that the rescission period may be more extended if the timeshare developer fails to provide the necessary disclosures. In such cases, the rescission period could be extended up to one year.

When canceling a timeshare in Arizona, following the specific procedures outlined in the state's laws is crucial. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in the cancellation being deemed invalid.

It's advisable to communicate your cancellation in writing and send it via certified mail to ensure proof of delivery and to keep a copy of all correspondence for your records.

Furthermore, if you have passed the rescission period, you may still have options to cancel your timeshare, such as demonstrating fraud, misrepresentation, or violations of Arizona's timeshare laws by the developer.

What is The Rescission Period in Arizona?*

The rescission period is a crucial feature of Arizona's timeshare law. It allows timeshare owners to review their purchase and decide whether to keep the property or cancel the agreement without facing any penalties or consequences. In Arizona, the rescission period is between seven to ten calendar days.

During the rescission period, you have the right to rescind the agreement by sending a written notice to the timeshare developer. This notice must be sent via certified mail or other methods specified in the agreement. It's essential to keep a copy of the notice and any documents related to the cancellation for your records.

It's important to note that the rescission period in Arizona typically lasts for seven calendar days after the timeshare purchase. This timeframe is set by state law. During this period, owners can carefully review all the terms of the agreement, including maintenance fees, property details, and any other obligations that come with ownership.

Additionally, the rescission period serves as a consumer protection measure to prevent buyers from making hasty decisions under pressure from sales tactics. It allows individuals to take the time to consider their purchase.*

What is the Average Cost to Cancel a Timeshare?

Timeshare in block letters | Arizona timeshare cancellation

When it comes to canceling a timeshare, one of the most common concerns is the cost involved. The average cost to cancel a timeshare can vary depending on several factors, including the specific circumstances of your agreement and the method you choose for cancellation.

Some timeshare buyers may attempt to cancel their agreements on their own, which could involve expenses such as postage fees for certified mail. Others may seek assistance from timeshare cancellation companies or legal professionals, which can incur additional costs.

One factor that can significantly impact the cost of canceling a timeshare is the resort or company from which you purchased the timeshare. Some resorts may have more stringent cancellation policies that could result in higher fees or penalties for canceling. Additionally, the location and popularity of the property can also play a role in determining the cost of cancellation.

Another consideration when determining the average cost to cancel a timeshare is the timing of the cancellation. Cancellation costs may vary depending on how long you have owned the property, with some agreements including clauses that allow for a grace period where cancellation fees are lower.

Before making any decisions regarding timeshare cancellation, it's important to review your agreement thoroughly to understand all terms and conditions related to cancellation. 

Why is It So Hard To Get a Timeshare Cancellation in Arizona?

Man in suit lecturing during a presentation | Arizona timeshare cancellation

If you've ever tried to cancel a timeshare, you may have experienced the challenges and frustrations that can come along with it. So why is it so hard to cancel a timeshare?

One reason is that timeshare developers often have complex and detailed agreements that may contain binding clauses and restrictions. These provisions can make it difficult for owners to cancel their agreements without facing penalties or additional expenses.

Additionally, some developers may employ aggressive sales tactics and misinformation to convince owners that canceling their vacation property is not possible or will result in severe consequences. This creates confusion and discourages owners from pursuing cancellation.

How Timeshare Cancellation Works

Although canceling a timeshare may seem challenging, there are legitimate ways to navigate the process successfully. One option is to exercise your right to cancel during the rescission period, as mentioned earlier.

If the rescission period has expired or you are facing difficulties within the rescission period, you might consider seeking professional assistance. An experienced timeshare exit company* can help deal with timeshare agreements and guide you through the cancellation process.

It's crucial to work with reputable professionals who have a proven track record in assisting timeshare owners cancel their agreements. Beware of scams and fraudulent companies that promise unrealistic results or ask for upfront fees without delivering any services.

Get Out of Your Arizona Timeshare Today

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If you're feeling trapped in your Arizona timeshare and want to get out, rest assured that you have options. Take the time to understand the laws, know your rights, and explore the different methods available for cancellation.

Arizona's timeshare laws are designed to protect consumers and provide opportunities for cancellation, so don't hesitate to take advantage of them. Whether you choose to cancel during the rescission period or seek assistance from professionals, the key is to take action and regain control of your situation.

Remember, you don't have to be stuck with a property that no longer suits your needs and preferences. Contact Wesley Financial Group* today, break free from the burden of your timeshare, and move forward with peace of mind.


Arizona State Legislature. (n.d.). Title 33 - Property, Chapter 20: Timeshare and Membership Camping. Retrieved from

Arizona Senate Bill 2639, 54th Legislature, 1st Regular Session (2019). Retrieved from

Arizona Revised Statutes § 9-500.39 (2024). Retrieved from

*Wesley Financial Group, LLC, and its affiliates, successors, or assigns are not lawyers or a law firm and do not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on this site are for informational and self-help purposes only and not intended to substitute for professional advice, legal or otherwise.

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